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GameChanger Cabbage
Foliar Feeding Program

  • Tissue analysis at harvest revealed that a summer cabbage crop uses about 36.3KG/HA of Nitrogen, divided fairly equally between the head and the leaf and stump residue

  • Studies showed that Nitrogen uptake by the cabbage crop exceeded the amount of Nitrogen applied via fertilizers

  • In the 2016 trial, Nitrogen uptake exceeded amount applied (150 lb/A) by 35 to 73 lb/A (=23 to 48%)

  • Cabbage crop is a very efficient nutrient scavenger

Source: Understanding Nitrogen Use in Cabbage, Christy Hoepting, CCE Cornell Vegetables Research Program, Cabbage Research and Development Program (CRDP), New York 2016

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  • 21 to 30 Days Smart-Release Fertilizer

  • 4x to 30x plant absorption efficiency

  • Superior growth & yield performance


"The Growth & Yield Booster"


NPK 30.75-0-0 %w/v

3,070 mg/L ZINC

3,070 mg/L BORON

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NPK 19 - 9 - 19 %w/v​

PLUS Chelated

Trace Elements (TE)


Boron (200mg/L)

Copper (630mg/L)

Iron (1,300mg/L)

Manganese (700mg/L)

Zinc (630mg/L)


"Enhancing Crop Quality, Volume Plus Brix"

  • 14 Days Smart-Release Fertilizer

  • 4x to 30x plant absorption efficiency

  • Enhances crop quality & performance

Pushing Yields in Cabbage VS Popular Foliar Fertilizers

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Cabbage Plant Nutrition Trial

Researcher: Napoleon "Doc Nap" Saavedra

Site: Kinabuhayan, Dolores, Quezon

Variety: Gladiator

Planting Distance: 0.3 meter x 0.7 meter

Planting Date: 10 December 2019

Harvest Date: 29 February 2020 (81 DAT)

Treatment Timing: 35 DAT, 50 DAT & 65 DAT

DAT - Days After Transplant

Researcher's Conclusions

  • NITROBOOST at 6li/ha application applied 3x provided the highest yield with 49 tons/HA equivalent to 63% increase or 19 tons/HA higher than farmer's practice (T1 - RRGF) and better than the commonly used foliar fertilizer especially Brand E and Brand C

  • COMPLETO+ at 4li/HA applied 3x produced a yield of 44.67 tons/HA far better than the popular foliar fertilizers (Brands C, H, CG & G)

  • Application of half the rate of granular fertilizer plus application of COMPLETO+ at the rate of 4 li/ha applied 3x provided a 20% yield increase, indicative that the reduction is well compensated with the application of COMPLETO+

  • The same result was observed with NITROBOOST applied at 5 li/ha and half the rate of granular fertilizers

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Nitrogen use in cabbage (green) demonstrated in a recent study in California (Smith et al. 2016) showed that half of the nitrogen use occurs during the last third of the growing season during cupping and head formation


GameChanger Agriculture Corporation

820 Romualdez St.Ermita, Metro Manila, Philippines

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