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Sugarcane GameChanger
Foliar Feeding Program
21 to 30 Days Smart-Release Fertilizer
4x to 30x plant absorption efficiency
Superior growth & yield performance
"The Growth & Yield Booster"
NPK 30.75-0-0 %w/v
3,070 mg/L ZINC
3,070 mg/L BORON
NPK 19 - 9 - 19 %w/v​
PLUS Chelated
Trace Elements (TE)
Boron (200mg/L)
Copper (630mg/L)
Iron (1,300mg/L)
Manganese (700mg/L)
Zinc (630mg/L)
"Enhancing Crop Quality, Volume Plus Brix"
14 Days Smart-Release Fertilizer
4x to 30x plant absorption efficiency
Enhances crop quality & performance
Plant Nutrition Technology Basics
Sugarcane NPK Demands vs Application/Availability Average
Precision Agriculture Tools featuring the NITROBOOST and COMPLETO+ tandem with one of the country's premier sugarcane planters, Rafael 'Nene' Abello of Hacienda Progreso in Negros Occidental—-the sugar bowl of the Philippines.
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